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Thursday, June 6, 2019

Of Another MCF Election Happening Soon....

Now that the 2019 Malaysian Chess Championship is over, the next big thing on the chess calendar is the MCF Election to be held during its AGM within the next 23 days – just slightly over 3 weeks to go. Based on a circular given to all MCF affiliates before the start of the fasting month, all nominations must be submitted to MCF Secretary (with copies to Assistant Secretary and President) before 11:59pm on 15thJune 2019. From then on, all nominees will have approximately 2 weeks to campaign to secure their post in the committee before election time at the AGM which will be held at MidValley Hotel on Saturday, 29thJune 2019 at 10:30am. MCF AGM usually lasts between 2 to 3 hours as such, we should know the new MCF Exco Team by lunch time on the same day. This is really REALLY exciting!

MCF prior to 2008
with the late Dato Tan as its President
Newly elected MCF officials in 2008
with YBhg Tan Sri Dato Seri Ramli Ngah Talib as its President
It is interesting to note that MCF did not hold any AGM during the tenure of the current committee although the requirement is clearly stated in in its Constitution – para 12: Annual General Meeting. While I am not too sure how that will work legally – although I am certain that the committee must have informed COS about this peculiarity, let us not talk about what was before in the past as we need to move on and look forward towards the future. 

While the notice for AGM was sent more than a month ago – the constitution only requires the notice to be sent no later than twenty (21) days in advance, only a single nomination has been received so far as of today. With so much time before the actual closing date for the nominees to be named, many are taking their time to ponder as to who will be suitable and for which post in the new committee. Further, with the closing date only a week away after Hari Raya, it is quite obvious that everyone has decided to get the Raya celebration over and done with before starting any serious discussions and talks about the AGM and the upcoming election. With the Malaysian Chess Championship 2019 being held just two (2) weeks before the nominations are closed, it is quite obvious that certain discussion have already begun to take place. In fact, news from the chess grapevine and several reliable sources, a few names have surfaces with a few pacts identified. There was also a supposed chess entrepreneur who has circulated a video of him volunteering himself as a candidate with promises of change if elected. I am not sure how that has developed but, let us see the other possible candidates before our final evaluation and judgement and from then on, for us to pick the most suitable candidate to lead us into the future. 

YBhg Tan Sri Dato Seri Ramli Ngah Talib in his second term as President from 2010 to early 2013
Zuhri (seated right) contested for the Presidential post in the 2013
but lost in a recount after a tie in the first round voting.
YBhg Tan Sri Dato Seri Ramli Ngah Talib's 3rd and final term as MCF President from 2013 to late 2016
During this time, MCF had the most number of Tresurers (5 persons were appointed but each left)
until Haslindah became the permanent Treasurer towards the middle of 2016.
With another week to go before the nominations close, I am quite sure that events will develop rather quickly within the next week or so, and by Sunday next week, we should be able to know who is in and who is not. The community – especially the affiliates and exco members, are already making calls and inquiries on the possible candidacy of several names for key positions in the Committee but, I am pretty sure that everyone will definitely be eyeing on the most important position of all – the President’s post. While it is clear that YB Dato Zahidi has mentioned that he will not contest to continue filling up the post, stranger happenings have happened before and things can still develop unexpectedly.

Personally, while I am considered as part and parcel of the current team by many, I still feel slightly detached as I was only appointed as Assistant Secretary in February 2019 after the previous one went MIA. And prior to the appointment, I did mention jokingly to Hamid – the current Secretary, that I (and Emran – the Treasurer who was also appointed at the same time as me due to the previous Treasurer’s resignation) would be the shortest serving Assistant Secretary in MCF history. While I would like to maintain my presence in the committee, it will be up to the delegates to nominate me for a post, and up to the voters to vote me in. 

In the early 90’s, during the reign of Dato’ Seri Sabaruddin Chik (now Tan Sri) as MCF President, he did tell me that I cannot be nominated nor can I run for a post in MCF because I am not politically inclined. It does make sense because like it or not, in order to be voted in, a candidate needs to “be presentable”, able to “make promises”, “popular” and “knows who to team up with” in order to be liked and to be voted in. In other words, he told me that no one would vote for me because I am a worker who does things to make it happen, and I am not willing to associate myself with anyone – more like a lone ranger who fights his own war. Further, he also told me that I am a person who does NOT like to please other people just to be popular in order to get voted in because, according to his observation, I continously argue even with him on petty matters. Well Tan Sri, that was almost 25 years ago... 

MCF Committee 2016 to 2019 after winning the election with YB Zahidi Zainul Abidin as its President.
Since then, Secretary Gregory was replaced by Peter Long (2017), replaced by Sophian (2018) and Hamid Majid (2018). AndTresurer Haslindah Ruslan was replaced by Emran Mohd Tamil (2019).
I am not sure if this has changed over the years – age makes you wiser (or did it not?) because in essence, I would like people to judge me based on the work that I have done, not so much of the “popularity” and the “candy coating” that I can do. Nonetheless, let see how things develop. Even if I am not going to be part and parcel of the new team, I will and can still contribute in my own ways. There are many things to do and not being in the committee should not deter my desire to help. But if I am not needed, I can always take a break again from chess, do the things I like, and continue by blog and writing – on personal happenings and events in my daily life, or as a chess critic who wants to see the game to develop and to progress towards a better future.

So, mark your calendar – nominations closed on 15thJune, and D-Day on 29thJune 2019. Let the best persons and teams win!!!

Let’s hope for an awesome change in MCF.

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